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Ödülleri, Bursları ve Davet Çalışmaları
Ödülleri, Bursları ve Davet Çalışmaları
- 1993 Yunus Nadi Sosyal Bilimler Ödülü: Kalkınma ve Girişimcilik” başlıklı çalışmayla.
- 2009-2012 COST MC Committee Member Of Turkey, in ESRC-COST ISO803 Project, title “Borders as Source of Conflicts and Possibilities:On the Delta of Turkey’s Borders with Greece and Bulgaria” with EASTBORDER NET.
- 2010- EUROPEAID /127552/D/SER/TR, Technical Assistance for the Preparation of Border Surveillance Area Survey in Turkey, “Socıal Aspects of Changıng Management of Border Survellıance Report (SA)”. as Sociologist, 1 month.
- 2006-2009 Research Assoc. in Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology; “Property and Citizenship in an Eastern Anatolian Border Region” as an associated to the Research Group: “Caucasian Boundaries and Citizenship from Below”, in the head of the research group of Lale Yalçın-Heckman in Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
- 2002-2004 Collaborative Project with New Bulgarian University, Department of Anthropology and E.Ü. Department of Sociology, “The Emigrant: Problems of the Identity and Adaptation of Bulgaria-Born Turks After Their Emigration in Turkey”,
- 01/1998-02/1998 Research associate in Sheffield Hallam University, Policy Research Centre, collaborated with Dr. Andrea Wigfield. Exchange Programme “Textile and Clothing Industries and Subcontractors: A Comparative Study in England, Italy and Turkey”, (British Council Grant).
- 1997 – 1998 Research fellow in Sussex, Centre for IDS (International Development Studies) on Sustainable Development and Participatory Methods, as RRA, PRA (British Council Grant).
- 07/1996 – 02/1997 Research fellow in Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, Policy Research Centre with Prof. Peter Curwen (British Council Grant).
- 07/1996 – 12/1996 Research associate in Sheffield Training and Enterprise Council (TEC), with Ursula Edmands (Director of the EC Grants) on “Establishment process of TECs’ and regional development agencies” (funded by World Bank).
- 03/1994 – 07/1994 Research fellow in The Development Centre, University of Hull, with Prof. Dr. David Booth on “Development and Measurements”.